Ward Councillor Surgery times

If you would like to share a concern in person with a Councillor, their surgeries are on the first Saturday of each month as follows:

10 am to noon at Mycenae House, 90 Mycenae Road, SE3 7SE

There's no need to make an appointment

The Councillors are: Leo Fletcher, Mariam Lolavar and Christine St Matthew-Daniel

Estate Walkabout and follow up

Following the Residents Meeting on 16th May an Estate Walkabout was arranged for 1st June.

A Risk Register was compiled by resident Nina Lundvall and this was used as a basis for discussion

Download the Risk Register here

Today (05/06/23) an email has been sent to the Council with a summary of the Walkabout and a request for their plan for resolving the most acute issues

Download the summary here

Council Housing Champions

Council tenants and leaseholders:

Would you like to be a Housing Champion?

View the leaflet Housing Champions Flyer

Residents and AGM meeting minutes

Minutes from the Residents Meeting and AGM are now available

VPE Residents’ Association Finances 2022-2023

Expenditure and Income for 2022-2023
Room Hire22.90
Vanbrugh Community Membership42.00
Website Domain41.09
Summer Party183.68
Coach hire (Canterbury)260.00
Christmas raffle and food expenses136.28
Storeroom key5.10
Council grant254
BBQ hire30
Christmas raffle tickets416

Open City film about VPE

As part of Open City’s film series VPE residents Phineas (director of Open City) and Pete talk about living on the estate and how the buildings and landscape work to create a pleasant living environment.

Find out more on the Open City website

Archive footage of VPE

Thanks to Rob from Westcombe Court for sharing this video of the estate in its early days. German guests are taken on a local tour as a part of the London Borough of Greenwich’s Civic Week in 1966. The estate is featured from 2:40 to 3:36.

Care and support guidance for people vulnerable to abuse and neglect

Greenwich council has forwarded safeguarding advice for residents who may be vulnerable to abuse and neglect.

The short guide covers how to keep safe at home from rogue traders and scams, as well as support that you can access if you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse.

Download the guide

Warning about leaflets put through your letterbox

Royal Greenwich Trading Standards want to warn residents about leaflets put through your letterbox for gardening services or home improvement works.

Rogue companies are in operation in the borough, particularly offering guttering services.

Please be aware that these traders may not be trustworthy, always make sure you get at least three quotes from different traders to ensure you’re not being overcharged.

Advice SAYING NO to rogue traders:

  • SAY NO to uninvited callers
  • SAY NO to cash payments
  • SAY NO to unnecessary repairs
  • SAY NO politely but firmly

Protect others by reporting incidents like this.

If the matter is urgent or the traders are still there, report this to Royal Greenwich Trading Standards as soon as it happens on 0208 921 8223.

Otherwise, call the Citizens Advice consumer service on 0808 223 1133 (Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm) or report it to them via any of the contact methods on the Citizens Advice website.

YourVIEW: a voice for council tenants and leaseholders

Would you like to help us improve the housing service you receive? Then join YourVIEW today.

YourVIEW aims to recruit tenants and leaseholders who are keen to give their views and work with the council to help shape and improve our housing service.

By joining YourVIEW, you can have your say and get involved with:

  • improving and maintaining the quality of homes (for example, repairs or major works)
  • helping people feel safe at home and in their neighbourhoods
  • keeping homes affordable
  • making sure the environment is clean and welcoming
  • supporting to those in need in the community

See the leaflet Yourview Leaflet