Update: RGB Estate Maintenance
On 1 Aug 2023, at 07:50, Andrew Eglinton wrote:
Good morning all,
Following drainage surveys / repairs to 1-19 Combe Mews I am writing to let you know that I am raising an order for our drainage contractor Hardy Drainage to carry out CCTV surveys to the rest of the estate, all blocks of houses and blocks 2-20 & 9-21.
The houses will be surveyed block by block basis only requiring access to the rear gardens / manholes.
I will be in touch in the very near future to schedule this work probably coming to site to carry out a door knocking exercise to update residents, arrange access etc, this is quite a big task and will try our best to work with all the residents to complete this work.
Any defects to the drainage systems identified from the surveys will be scheduled and repaired.
Paving the way
It would be difficult not to notice there's some work being carried out on the Estate.
A company called Riney is replacing the paving slabs.
You should receive a letter from the site supervisor, but here's a copy if you need it:
Places to go, clubs to join

Our Gardening Club
The Gardening Club is working to improve the estate's shared spaces.
Thank you to everyone who came out over the weekend to plant lavender, vines and hawthorn, and to those watering plants and trees in the dry season.
If you'd like to get involved or have ideas for future projects, let us know in the estate WhatsApp or email gardening@vanbrughparkestate.com.
If you missed the all residents meeting where we discussed future plans, the presentation is saved below.
Progress so far..

...and more

Bring and Buy

Two of our guests, Barbara Thorpe (Greenwich Council) and Sue Reynolds (St, John's) visit the Bring and Buy stall
Summer Party '23

Tune in to The Kimberleys
A problem with drains?
Starting at Combe Mews which has drainage problems in very urgent need of repair, the Council is going to check and fix problems with the drains across the Estate.
The Committee knows about some other problems with the drains and pipes on the Estate, however we'd like to hear from anyone who is aware of any other blocked or leaky drains or pipes.
Please contact us at: hello@vanbrughparkestate.com
Committee Meeting minutes
The minutes of the VPERA Committee Meeting are now avaiable for download: