Learn a new skill for free
Get access to employment and skills programmes.
Who is it for?
All residents of the Royal Borough of Greenwich.
What do I get?
Opportunities to train in accredited and unaccredited courses, gain an apprenticeship, and access to local jobs.
Find out more
Telephone 020 8921 2440 or visit Greenwich Local Labour and Business.
Keeping safe
Lower the likelihood of theft or damage to your car.
There’s been a spate of broken car windows on the estate and its surrounds, and the advice from local police is to make sure you leave nothing – not even small items of clothing or shopping – on display, as most of the crimes are committed by addicts who are desperate to fund their habit.
The cost and nuisance of replacing car windows usually greatly exceeds the value of the items stolen, so it’s worth the effort.
If you see a crime as it’s happening, please call the police immediately on 999.